What is the Health and Wellbeing Framework?
The Health and Wellbeing Framework has been developed to support schools and education settings in County Durham to improve the overall health and wellbeing of their children, young people and staff. It will provide structure and guidance for schools and education settings to enable the promotion and development of good health and wellbeing.
The framework is underpinned by a resilience-based approach and aims to support education settings to look holistically at the mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing of the whole setting population. It is aligned to the THRIVE model for children and young people’s mental health services (Anna Freud 2019).

The Health and Wellbeing Framework Process
This Health and Wellbeing framework is based on the plan, do review model and settings are asked to consider:
1. What they already know about health and wellbeing of their community?
2. What they want to achieve?
3.What they need to do to improve?
How do schools and education settings sign up?

To sign up to the Health and Wellbeing framework you must first pledge, you will then receive an automated email with information about the next steps. You will be then taken through the steps above.
There are two different statuses to work towards in the Health and Wellbeing Framework: ‘Health and Wellbeing Aware’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing Informed’. Once you have been through the steps above, attended the annual celebratory event and completed a short case study you will be awarded with the ‘Health and Wellbeing Aware’ status. To then work towards the ‘Health and Wellbeing Informed’ status you will need to review your initial self-assessment form and identify some new priorities and actions for the next year. Following this you will then be awarded with the ‘Health and Wellbeing Informed’ status.
What do we want the Health and Wellbeing Framework to achieve?
- All children, young people and staff to be included and experience a positive and supportive environment that enhances learning and development opportunities.
- All schools and education settings to be able to identify strengths and needs and respond appropriately to these by identifying priorities for action.
- For the leadership and governance of the setting to value health and wellbeing as a key element of their provision.
- For everyone to be aware that good health and wellbeing is closely associated with positive education outcomes.
- For all settings to be able to access a range of support and interventions linked to their identified needs.
If you are a nursery setting…
The Early Years Healthy Settings Framework aims to address health needs, reduce health inequalities and to teach healthy behaviour in children aged 0-5 years and their families. The overall aims are to improve the health and wellbeing of children, staff, parents and the wider community.
The focuses is on five key themes. These are:
For more information or to get involved with the Early Years Framework please visit https://www.durham.gov.uk/earlyyearsframework