Getting advice
Thrive Model category Service / Resource name Description and Information How to access Age Group
Getting Advice Deliberate Self-harm Guidance
Durham’s Self-Harm Guidance for Professionals working with children and young people is for practitioners who support children and young people who self-harm or express thoughts about this or about suicide. Deliberate Self harm 0-18
Getting Advice Childline Telephone support line with access to 1-2-1 counsellor chat and an online resource providing information, advice and guidance including tips and techniques to help make young people feel more in control. Childline
T: 0800 11 110-18
Getting Advice Special Educational Needs Disability (SEND) local offer A summary of strategic and operational education activity in the area of social, emotional and mental health. SEND Local Offer 0-18
Getting Advice Families Information Service (FIS) A free information service for families of children and young people ages 0–20. Families Information Service 0-20
Getting Advice Recovery College Online Providing a range of online educational courses and resources to people with experience of mental illness, from service users to their family, friends and staff. Recovery College Online 0-18
Getting Advice Anna Freud Centre for Children and Young People Resources for children, young people, parents/carers/practitioners in relation to mental health and wellbeing. Anna Freud 0-18
Getting Advice Time to Change Local provision to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. Time to Change 0-18
Getting Advice Young Minds Help and support for children, young people, parents/carers and professionals in relation to young people’s mental health. Young Minds 0-18
Getting Advice MindEd MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults. Minded 0-18
Getting Advice Headspace Online resource that supports with a range of issues including stress, sleep and anxiety. Headspace 0-18
Getting Advice Mental Health North East Mental Health North East, a charity that works to improve and protect mental health services in the region. MHNE 0-18
Getting Advice Kooth XenZone is a provider of online mental health services for children, young people and adults. Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and is free to children and young people living in County Durham. Kooth 0-18
Getting Advice Durham Educational Psychology Service All County Durham Schools have a link Educational Psychologist (EP) who can advise where there are concerns about the mental health and resilience of a child or young person. school’s link Educational Psychologist (EP):
T: 03000 263 3330-18
Getting Advice Mental Health County and Locality Networks These forums have been established to bring together services, schools and colleges to share good practice, raise awareness of local support, problem solve, practice constraints, and provide professional development support. They meet on a termly basis.
T: 0191 307 70300-18
Getting Advice Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) Resilience programme offered to all schools in the County for Year 9 pupils. To request Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) is delivered in your school:
T: 03000 267 80013-14
Getting Advice Mind Mind provide information and support for those living with or supporting someone with a mental health problem. They have information on conditions, treatment options, advice on support and services and tips for everyday living. Mind 18+
Getting Advice Durham Locate Durham Locate is the place to find information about adult care and support in County Durham. There is a search facility to enable users to find information about leisure and community activities, products and services to help at home, to help people stay healthy, and enable them to live their life the way they want. Durham Locate All
Getting Advice Rethink Mental Illness Provide advice and information including about living with mental illness and rights and restrictions. They also provide advice and information for carers and a range of advocacy services. Rethink 18+
Getting Advice Headspace Online resource that supports with a range of issues including stress, sleep and anxiety. Headspace 18+
Getting Advice Durham Crees The CREE is a range of projects set up to help reduce social isolation. Based on the ‘Men’s Sheds’ idea, there are also groups set up for women and young people. Durham Cree 18+
Getting Advice Mental Health North East Mental Health North East, a charity that works to improve and protect mental health services in the region. MHNE 18+
Getting Advice Recovery College Online The Recovery College Online provides a range of online mental health educational course and resources. The content has been developed by people with experience of mental illness. Recovery College Online 18+
Getting Advice Sane A national charity providing information and emotional support to anyone effected by mental illness. Open 4.30pm – 10.30pm daily. Sane
T: 0300 304 700018+
Getting Advice Autism Helpline Dedicated helpline for people with Autism. Open Monday – Thursday 10:00am – 4:00pm, Friday 9:00am-3:00pm. (excluding bank holidays). T: 0808 800 4104 18+
Getting Advice Anxiety UK Support for those living with anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding. Anxiety UK
T: 08444 775 77418+
Getting Advice Cruse Provides people who have recently lost a loved one with information and support on grief and legal matters. Cruse
T: 08088 081 67718+
Getting Advice Staying Safe Provides people with compassion, kindness and easy ways to help keep people safer from thoughts of harm and suicide, seek support and discover hope of recovery through powerful videos from people with personal experience. Staying Safe All
Getting Advice Wellbeing and Coping Ideas on how to create a wellbeing plan and build your own 30-3-30 approach Wellbeing and Coping All
Getting Advice Emerging Minds: Co-Ray Project A short animation has been developed by the University of Oxford’s Experimental Psychology and Psychiatry Department. It is aimed at young people aged 11 – 16 years to address any barriers they may have in seeking mental health support. BBC Bitesize 11 - 16 years
Getting help
Thrive Model category Service / Resource name Description and Information How to access Age Group
Getting Help Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Single Point of Access (SPA) The SPA offers a range of therapeutic services for children, young people and their families who experience moderate to severe emotional/mental health problems, including direct and indirect clinical work through consultation and training.
T: 0300 123 9296.0-18
Getting Help Resilience Nurses Emotional Health & Resilience Team (EHRT) This is a skill mixed County Durham wide Team who offer early intervention and prevention support to children, young people, families (CYP&F), schools and other partner agencies. The team consist of emotional resilience nurses, practitioner and child psychological wellbeing practitioners, they offer:
Advice / support to schools and other professionals
Advice/support to Parents about their child
Group Sessions in school / 1:1 intervention with CYP
We are involved in the delivery of the Youth Awareness Mental Health Programme (YAM) – In Schools
T: 03000 2635325-19 years
Getting Help One Point Family Centres Each One Point Family Centre offers a range of group-based interventions for young people that aim to improve emotional wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem; these are often based on ‘chill skills’. One Point Family Centres 0-18
Getting Help Strengthening Families programmes Strengthening Families Programme is a parenting and family strengthening programme for families with children aged between 10 and 14 years.The programme consists of seven weekly sessions lasting two hours each. During the programme, families learn how to communicate effectively as well as specific skills such as parental limit setting and child resistance to peer pressure. To request support from the Strengthening Families Programme please contact your local One Point Family Centre for more details.
Strengthening Families10-14 years
Getting Help Team Around the School (TAS) TAS is offered to all secondary schools, it is a group based programme that is designed to support vulnerable pupils with low level emotional wellbeing and self-esteem concerns. For further information regarding Team Around the School (TAS) please contact your local One Point Family Centre for more details.
Team Around Schools11-18 years
Getting Help Emotional Wellbeing and Effective Learning Team (EWEL) The Emotional Wellbeing and Effective Learning Team (EWEL) is a multi-disciplinary group of psychologists, advisory and inclusion teachers, counsellors and inclusion support workers within Durham’s Educational Psychology Service.The team work closely with local schools on an individual, Communities of Learning and Behaviour Partnership basis to improve the wellbeing, achievement and resilience of vulnerable young people; and to support schools to effectively meet the needs of this group of learners. A wider range of support is available including assessment and consultation packages, intervention support, research and development work, and professional development support.
T: 03000 263 333 0-18
Getting Help Triple P Triple P is a positive parenting programme, developed by Psychologists that helps parents better understand the messages they give their teenager/child and how they can influence their behaviour as a result. To request a place contact: /
T: 07789 943 011 / T: 03000 268 0000-18
Getting Help Staying Cool Staying cool is a 1-day course for adults and teenagers that explores emotion, anger and aggression. 0-18
Getting Help Durham Educational Psychology Service All County Durham Schools have a link Educational Psychologist (EP) and almost all access extended services including consultation, assessment, intervention and training relating to the mental health and resilience of a child or young person. To contact the school’s link Educational Psychologist (EP)
T: 03000 263 3334-18 years
Getting Help Behaviour Partnership Panels Primary and secondary schools in Durham have access to school led and agency supported panels where there are concerns that a young person’s needs may result in permanent exclusion.These panels can offer advice and, in some instance, additional access to resources and support to promote the successful inclusion of these young people, and access to appropriate educational provision 03000 265 903 4-18 years
Getting Help Durham Resilience Programme (DRP) This programme is offered to all schools in County Durham on a rolling programme. DRP supports schools to develop their understanding of resilience and wellbeing – as relating to both C&YP and staff – and helps them to develop and implement a local response within their school and community contexts. Support is provided over a 12-month period and includes training workshops, support to complete an audit, focus group work with children and young people, access to advice in relation to areas of interest or need, and support to review impact of actions taken.
T: 03000 263 3330-18
Getting Help Rollercoaster Support Group A support group for parents/carers who are supporting a child or young person with any kind of emotional or mental health issue. Rollercoaster PS Twitter
Rollercoaster Support Group
T: 07377 2139420-18
Getting Help Young Adult Support Café - Waddington Street Durham and Newton Aycliffe Young Adult Support Café (YASC) is an informal emotional wellbeing peer support weekly drop in session which supports young adults aged 16-21 transition from Children’s to Adults Services.
0191 307 703016-21 years
Getting Help The Jigsaw Project - St Cuthbert’s Bereavement Service A counselling service for children and young people who have experienced grief, loss and bereavement. We offer support around life-limiting illnesses and palliative care, unexpected or sudden death including suicide, road traffic accidents and murder. The Jigsaw Project
0191 374 61830-18
Getting Help Humankind LGBTQI+ Health and Wellbeing Service The health and wellbeing service offer LGBTQI+ young people access to sexual health services, social groups, family support, 1-1 support and training and awareness raising sessions for other organisations. Humankind
01325 731 1600-18
Getting Help Durham Safeguarding Children Board Procedures Manual Procedures, practice guidance and safeguarding arrangements for County Durham. Durham Safeguarding 0-18
Getting Help GPs GP’s are there to help and support with all aspects of emotional wellbeing and mental health support. They are often the first point of entry for a range of support services this includes access to talking therapies and more specialist provision. Contact your local GP directly. If you are unsure of who your GP provider is use the GP Finder website: GP's 0-18
Getting Help Talking Changes Talking changes offers free and confidential talking therapies and counselling to those who are:
Aged 16 or over
Live in County Durham or Darlington
Experiencing a common mental health problem such as; depression, generalized anxiety, specific phobias, panic, obsessive compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder for example.
Not already accessing adult mental health serviceTalking Changes can be accessed through a self-referral or by your GP.
Talking Changes16+
Getting Help Durham County Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Alliance The overall aim of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Alliance is to improve outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and their families by further developing the links between Durham County Council’s Children’s and Young Peoples Services and the Voluntary and Community Sector.VCS Alliance workers link with the local VCS organisations and enable families to participate in activities and support services within their own area. 0-18
Getting Help GPs GP’s are there to help and support with all aspects of emotional wellbeing and mental health support. They are often the first point of entry for a range of support services this includes access to talking therapies and more specialist provision. Contact your local GP directly. If you are unsure of who your GP provider is use the GP Finder website. GP's 18+
Getting Help Waddington Street Durham Provide a wide range of informal educational activities and support services for those who are over 18. Waddington Centre 18+
Getting Help Humankind LGBTQI+ Health and Wellbeing Service The health and wellbeing service offer LGBTQI+ young people access to sexual health services, access to social groups, family support, 1-1 support and training and awareness raising sessions for other organisations. Humankind
01325 731 16018+
Getting Help Durham Safeguarding Adults Interagency Partnership The website includes information for the public and links to a number of resources for practitioners, including what to do when it is suspected that an adult with care and support needs is a victim of abuse. The Safeguarding Adults policy and procedure can also be accessed via the website. Safeguarding Durham Adults 18+
Getting Help Rethink Mental Illness Provide a range of advocacy services for adults. Rethink 18+
Getting Help Samaritans Step by Step is a Samaritans service that provides practical support to help schools prepare for and recover from a suspected or attempted suicide.
Samaritans’ Step by Step service is here to support organisations working with young people so that they can respond effectively following the suspected or attempted suicide of someone from within their community; taking practical steps to reduce the risk of further deaths in the area.
Samaritans can provide materials for parents and school staff, but would not work directly with students unless as part of the Samaritans’ Step by Step service.Samaritans - Step by Step School Age
Getting Help If U Care Share Bespoke Emotional and Mental Health sessions for all ages ranging from Reception age up to University Students which include personal experience of lived suicide loss by the trainer for older secondary school students and above.
Secondary School workshops have already taken place with Park View and Hermitage Academies.
If U Care Share - PrimarEAMH programme Reception - University
Getting more help
Thrive Model category Service / Resource name Description and Information How to access Age Group
Getting More Help The Full Circle Those eligible:
- Children and young people who are Looked After by Durham County Council and young people who are care leavers.
- Children in Need including those with a mild learning disability and children who are subject to a Child Protection Plan, provided they are now in a safe, supportive environment.
- Adopted children and children subject to a Special Guardianship Order who may be eligible for Adoption Support Funding (i.e. previously Looked After).
- The child/young person must be allocated to a Social Work team or the One Point Service (for adopted or SGO families) therefore should be signposted to First Contact if they have come via any other route (e.g. telephone call to the Adoption team)
Getting More Help Talking Changes Talking changes offers free and confidential talking therapies and counselling through a progressive model of care to those who are:
- Aged 16 or over.
- Live in County Durham or Darlington.
- Experiencing a common mental health problem such as; depression, generalized anxiety, specific phobias, panic, obsessive compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder for example.
- Not already accessing adult mental health service.Talking Changes 18+
Getting More Help Access to Secondary Mental Health Services for 18+ TEWV and DCC provide integrated community mental health services on behalf of both organisations. The Access service is available via a GP referral, self-referral or via Social Care Direct. The access service will act as triage and signpost to the relevant services. Access to the service is via a GP referral or Self-referral. NHS
Social Care Direct18+
Getting More Help Early Intervention/psychosis and Community Intervention teams Both services are accessed using the Access service unless a referral is received via inpatient services. 0191 333 6011 TEWV 18+
Getting More Help Social Care Direct Social Care Direct is the access point for adults into Durham County Council Adult and Health Services. They take referrals for Care Act assessments and offer information and advice to help people live as independently as they can. Social Care Direct 18+
Getting More Help Psychiatric Liaison Nurses (TEWV) Part of the crisis service and based in general hospitals. They will pick up referrals from A & E and wards. 16+
Getting risk support
Thrive Model category Service / Resource name Description and Information How to access Age Group
Getting Risk Support CAHMS Crisis Team The Durham and Darlington CAMHS crisis and liaison team provide mental health support to young people (up to the age of 18) who are experiencing a crisis with their mental health. A team of qualified mental health nurses cover the whole of County Durham and Darlington, providing a 24 hour service 7 days a week, 365 days per year. 0191 441 5733 0-18 Years
Getting Risk Support Specialist Eating Disorders Team Specialist eating disorder service for young people up to the age of 18 who have difficulties with eating and weight. This service provides specialised multi-disciplinary assessment, treatment and evaluation for young people and their families and the team includes: CAHMS Single Point of Access Tel: 03001 239 296 0-18 Years
Getting Risk Support Children’s Services (Social Care) If you are worried about a risk of significant harm to a child or young person it is essential that you share your concerns by contacting First Contact. Children's Services
03000 267 9790-18 Years
Getting Risk Support Care Education and Treatment Reviews (CETRs) Children and young people with a learning disability and/or autism with associated mental health needs are eligible for a Care Education and Treatment Review (CETR).CETR’s are called when children and/or young people have been or may be about to be admitted to a specialist mental health / learning disability hospital either in the NHS or in the independent sector. CETRs bring together those responsible for commissioning and providing services with independent clinical opinion and the lived experience of children and young people and families from diverse communities with learning disabilities, autism or both.CETRs are driven by the NHS but the involvement of local authorities and education services in the CETR process and its outcomes is integral to improving care, education and treatment for children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or both and their families. Referrals can be made by professionals involved in the young persons’ care. Families can request for a CETR through their lead professional.
0191 301 13000-18 years
Getting Risk Support Safeguarding adults Where there is a concern that an adult with care and support needs may have been a victim of abuse a safeguarding referral should be made to Social Care Direct. An investigation of the circumstances will then take place, often involving a number of agencies. Where there is an immediate risk to the person’s safety the police should be contacted. Social Care Direct
03000 267 97916+
Getting Risk Support TEWV Crisis Resolution and Intensive Home Treatment The service provides specialist assessment for people aged 16 years and older who need urgent mental health care. 0191 441 5738 16+
Getting Risk Support Mental Health Act Assessments The Mental Health Act is the main piece of legislation that covers the assessment, treatment and rights of people with a mental health disorder. An assessment may be appropriate for people who need urgent assessment and treatment and are at risk of harm to themselves or others, where they may need to be detained in hospital. Social Care Direct 18+